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amorphous powder中文是什么意思

用"amorphous powder"造句"amorphous powder"怎么读"amorphous powder" in a sentence


  • 无定形粉末


  • Preparation of co - b amorphous powder by chemical reduction and investigation of crystallization kinetics of this powder
  • The scarlet red amorphous powder , the easy absorption of moisture , after the absorption of moisture to form massive , but does not affect the use effect
  • Na2o - 8teo2 crystal is stable at temperatures below 330 and will decomposed into two crystalline phase including na2o4teo2 and teo2 at 340 or a higher temperature . the phase diagram of sodium tellurite is modified according to the results obtained . the transformation of na2o - 8teo2 into na2o4teo2 and teo2 includes two steps : na2o - 8teo2 is first transformed into an intermediate amorphous phase and then the intermediate amorphous phase crystallizes to form na2o - 4teo2 and teo2 - the intermediate amorphous phase formed during the transformation is amorphous powder
    通过对nt _ 8晶相向nt _ 4和teo _ 2晶相的转变过程的研究发现,由nt _ 8晶相向nt _ 4和teo _ 2晶相的转变包括两个转变过程,即由nt _ 8晶相向非晶中间相转变的过程和由非晶中间相向nt _ 4和teo _ 2晶相转变的过程,在转变过程中出现的非晶中间相是一种非晶固态粉末。
用"amorphous powder"造句  


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